Eat Kiss

Bar St James


Bar St James

Bar St James is Charlie Tonelli (Électriciennes, The Hours Strange, Transpacific Lounge Regulars) and Henry Franci, with Gabriela Flores in vocals. The band reimagines cornerstone musical moments as they remember them – not necessarily the way they happened (to paraphrase a character from a David Lynch movie). thus, more than covering these songs that have marked them, the band thinks of these inspiring gems – some well known, some much less – as emotional triggers, imbuing the songs with fresh new life. A guilty pleasure of Charlie, Bar St James really shines thanks to the intimate velvety voice of Gabriela, and the delicate guitar notes of acclaimed multi-instrumentalist Henry.

Working between New York and Buenos Aires, for their first EP the trio enlisted Matheus Antunes in Sao Paulo for the final mix, drawn to his mastery of deep, sensual sounds. Their first EP – Drive Glycerine And Destroy Everything, a play on the names of the songs included – was released worldwide on July 7, 2024.