

Av. Juan de Garay 500, C1114 Buenos Aires, Argentina

In a rather unassuming corner of San Telmo, there’s this gem of a bar. We may not have spent there as many evenings as we wished we did, but the few have been – every single one – memorable in their own right. There was the time when we brought a bottle of Blanton’s straight from the airport – and consumed it with the staff after closing; there was the time when our friend won – and subsequently lost – an impossible love; there was the night when we tried a forgotten drink made with Hierroquina and Amargo Obrero – and time-traveled to the 1940’s.

How does one go about capturing so much with so little? We made this playlist not to paint the place as it is (it’s surely much more modern) but to evoque what memory conjures up: a place at times hazy, at times dark, always momentous and, lurking right below the surface, the promise of a sensual undertone. Like a scene in a film by Carax or Won-Kar War that you can’t remember much of, only that it was important and that it moved you. Like a pleasant dream that vanishes as you wake up, fighting to hold on to it. Til the next time, we’ll keep this playlist at hand.

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