Saint Tuesday

Saint Tuesday

77 Walker Street, New York, NY 10013, USA

We are not the kind that wear their nationality on their sleeve, so to speak, but there’s a certain obscure corner in New York – South of Canal Street, as you make your way to Tribeca – that resonates with Argentines of a certain age, as it was portrayed in the cover of Clics Modernos – a seminal record by iconic auteur Charly García. A few steps away, in the basement of the Walker Hotel, you will find Saint Tuesday, a wonder of a bar that navigates the precise balance between being hip and being under with pristine and natural elegance. 

Representing Saint Tuesday with a collection of tunes is a daunting task, because the place itself is a music venue with bands playing daily, so there’s the jazzy flavour of their own curation. Then there’s the cavernous brutalism of its bear bones architecture, which hints of post war Europe. And least we forget, there’s the delicacy and inventiveness of their crafty cockail menu. So we took jazzy, sensual, dark, unique and out-of-left-field, splashed a dash of European flair, and came up with this playlist. It won’t substitute for the real thing, but it will remind you to get your ass to the Walker Hotel asap.

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